Sunday, October 3, 2010


Just returned from my Grandma's house in Ibaraki. I don't know why but I always get the worst allergies when I stay over I don't if it's because house old and dusty but it gets so bad to the point where I can't sleep because I'm spending all my time sneezing or blowing my nose. arrgghhh its sooooo annoying 






Last week the children I teach english to invited me to go and watch their undo-kai (sports day). 
It was my first time attending such an event and it was interesting to watch the different games that the children competed. Nothing I ever seen thats for sure!!! LOL They even had a tug-o-war for the adults. 

My Students!!!   

タツヤはかわいい ♡♡♡ Tastuya is sooo cute!!!